
Sr. No Name of Faculty Paper Title Journal / Conference Name ISSN Month/Year
1. Dr. Prakash Patel Design & an implementation of I2C Controller Bus AES journal: Journal of information, knowledge and research in Electronics and Communication engineering. ISSN : 975-6779 Issue :1, Volume:1 April 2009
2. Dr. Prakash Patel Verification of I2C Bus Controller Using Avalon Bus in Verilog HDL Journal of Information and Communication technology theory, Applications &Practices. at SPSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan. 5 -6 March, 2010.
3. Dr. Prakash Patel Simulation Modal of DVB-S2 using without and with filter International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology e-ISSN 2319-8753 Vol. 5, Issue 9 September- 2016
4. Dr. Prakash Patel Performance of Digital Video Broadcasting(DVB-T) using Filter for 64- QAM International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) Volume 38 Number 2 August 2016
1. Prashant Oza Design & an implementation of I2C Controller Bus AES journal: Journal of information, knowledge and research in Electronics and Communication engineering. ISSN : 975-6779 Issue :1, Volume:1 April 2009
2. Prashant Oza Verification of I2C Bus Controller Using Avalon Bus in Verilog HDL Journal of Information and Communication technology theory, Applications &amp Practices. at SPSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan. March 2010
3. Prashant Oza IoT Enable Smart Agriculture Research Challenges and Opportunities IJTRE (International Journal for Technological Research) ISSN :2347-4718 Volume-4,Issue-5, January-2017
4. Prashant Oza Internet of Things: research challenges and future directions IJTRE (International Journal for Technological Research) ISSN :2347-4718 Volume-5,Issue-10, June-2018
1. Piyush Kapadiya Design and optimization of MAC Transmitter using Verilog National Conferences on Advances in Engineering. And Technology, Kalol PP, 1-5 January-2008
1. Khushbu R. Joshi Adaptive Wavelet Packet Image Coding using Vector Quantization   International Journal for Scientific Research & Development Vol. 6 Issue 02,2018   2321-0613 February 2018  
1. Nikhil Patel Quality Dependant Vertical Handover Decision Algorithms for 4G Heterogeneous Wireless Networks International Journal of Computational Engineering and Management (IJCEM), volume 2 March 2012
2. Nikhil Patel Analysis of Received signal strength based Vertical Handover Decision Algorithms for 4G Heterogeneous Wireless Networks National Conference on EOIP,Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College ,Ghaziabad March 2012
1. Dr. Dilip Patel The Efficient Scheme for Contention Reduction in Optical Burst Switched Proceeding of Springer – Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) Series (508) , ISSN Number – 21945357 February 2016
2. Dr. Dilip Patel Dynamic Hybrid Cluster and Deflection Feedback Scheme for Contention resolution in the Optical burst switched Network ICTTM 2015, Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology & GSM Association (GSMA), U.K., IIT Delhi 11-12 April 2015.
3. Dr. Dilip Patel The adaptive Contention Resolution Mechanism For Optical burst switched Network 9th International Conference on Innovation in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (ICIEEE 2015) , Page: 82-89 ISBN: 978-93-85225-43-7, 16th August 2015.
4. Dr. Dilip Patel The Novel Effective Hybrid Contention Resolution Scheme for Optical Burst Switched Network International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research & Practice (ICMRP-2014) 30 November 2014
5. Dr. Dilip Patel Overview and Framework for Dynamic Deflection Contention Resolution in OBS Network IEEE NUiCON 13’E – Nirma University International Conference , Ahmadabad, Gujarat, Pages 1-6 28-30 Nov. 2013
6. Dr. Dilip Patel The Efficient Contention Resolution Method for Optical Burst Switched Network IEEE NUiCONE 11’- Nirma University International Conference, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, 8-10 Dec. 2011
7. Dr. Dilip Patel Efficient Stochastic Dijkstra Protocol For Mobile Ad-Hoc Network With Quality of Service NUiCONE 10’- Nirma University International Conference , Ahmadabad, Gujarat 9-11 Dec. 2010
8. Dr. Dilip Patel Optical Burst Switching Network Introduction, Challenges and Solution NUCONE-09’ Nirma University International Conference, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, Pages 1-6 25-27 Nov. 2009
9. Dr. Dilip Patel The Novel Hybrid Scheme for Contention Minimization in the Optical Burst Switched Network International Journal of Communication Technology, Volume VI , Issue IV, Pages 1193 -1199 ISSN 0976-0091 2015
10. Dr. Dilip Patel The Adaptive Hybrid Contention Resolution Scheme for Optical Burst Switched Network International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, Volume I Issue VII, Pages 236 -241 ISSN 2321-2705 2014
11. Dr. Dilip Patel Optical Burst Switching Network Introduction, Challenges and Solution International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering, Volume -1, Issue -9 ISBN: 2347-4718 May 2014
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