Publications :

LDRP Institute Of Technology and Research, Gandhinagar
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Faculty Publications Sept 2017 to Sept 18
No Name of Faculty Paper Title Journal / Conference Name ISSN Month/Year
1 Hiren B. Patel Energy Efficient Strategy for Placement of Virtual Machines Selected from Underloaded Servers in Compute Cloud Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences
ISSN: 1319-1578 November 2017
2 Hiren B. Patel Multi-Objective Optimization Oriented Policy for Performance and Energy Efficient Resource Allocation In Cloud Environment Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences (An Elsevier Journal) ISSN: 1319-1578 December 2017
3 Hiren B. Patel Achieving Energy Efficiency using Green Internet of Things through Incorporation of Machine Learning Architecture International Journal of Computer Applications pp. 26-33, Vol. 179 – Number 23 February 2018
4 Hiren B. Patel An Approach for Detection of Overloaded Host to Consolidate Workload in Cloud Datacenter International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC) Volume 10, Issue 2. pp. 59-69. ISSN: 1938-0259, eISSN: 1938-0267 April June 2018.
5 Hiren B. Patel Preference Based Resource Allocation In Cloud Data Center International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (UGC Approved) ISSN: 2347-2693, Volume.6, Issue 2, pp.287-292 Feb 2018
6 Hiren B. Patel Server Consolidation Using Multi-Objective Optimization in Cloud Computing International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (UGC Approved) ISSN:2320-2882 March 2018
7 Hiren B. Patel Power Aware Task Scheduling in Compute Cloud International Journal of Computer Applications (UGC Approved) ISSN:0975-8887, Vol. 180 – No. 24, pp. 22-28 March 2018.
8 Hiren B. Patel Optimizing Energy Consumption in Dependent and Urgent Task Scenario in Cloud Environment International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Applications (UGC Approved) ISSN:2321-8363, Vol. 6, Issue 4, pp. 183-188 April 2018
9 Hiren B. Patel Entropy Based Method to Calculate Weight for Multi-Criterian VM Allocation Policy in Compute Cloud International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Applications (UGC Approved) ISSN: 2321-8363 Volume.6, Issue 4, pp.170-182 April 2018.
10 Hiren B. Patel A Fuzzy-based Approach to Evaluate Multi-objective Optimization for Resource Allocation in Cloud International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (UGC Approved) Vol 5(43), pp.140-150, ISSN (Print): 2394-5443 ISSN (Online): 2394-7454 June-2018.
11 Hiren B. Patel A Survey on Mobility Extension in RPL: Internet of Mobile Things Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (UGC Approved Journal) ISSN-2349-5162), pp. 315-322, Vol. 5, Issue 10 Oct 2018
12 Mehul Barot Web Usage Data based Web Page Recommender System nternational Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD-2017), Vol.4 (6) e-ISSN (O): 2348-4470 p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406, 2017
13 Mehul Barot Extraction of User Navigation Pattern Based on Particle Swarm Optimization International Journal of Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC-2017) ISSN: 2321-8169 2017
14 Mehul Barot Fuzzy Logic Based Recommender System International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI-2017), Vol.4 (6S), Pg.71-80 ISSN: 2321-2705 2017
15 Mehul Barot Sarcasm Detection in Sentiment Analysis International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research (IJCESR-2017), Vol.4 Issue-9 (Part-IV), Pg. 24-32 ISSN (PRINT):2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697 2017
16 Mehul Barot Opinion Mining: Classification, Techniques, Challenges International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research (IJCESR-2017), Vol.4 Issue-7, Pg. 30-37 ISSN (PRINT):2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697 2017
17 Mehul Barot Big Data Analytics in HealthCare: Benefits, Technology and Challenges International Journal of Current Engineering & Scientific Research (IJCESR-2017), Vol.4 Issue-6 ISSN (PRINT):2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697,URL: 2017
18 Mehul Barot Trend Analysis on Twitter International Journal of Current Engineering & Scientific Research (IJCESR-2017), Vol.4 Issue-6, Pg. 129-135 ISSN (PRINT):2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, URL: 2017
19 Bela Shrimali Multi-Objective Optimization Oriented Policy for Performance and Energy Efficient Resource Allocation In Cloud Environment Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences (An Elsevier Journal) ISSN: 1319-1578 December 2017
20 Bela Shrimali Achieving Energy Efficiency using Green Internet of Things through Incorporation of Machine Learning Architecture International Journal of Computer Applications pp. 26-33, Vol. 179 – Number 23 February 2018
21 Bela Shrimali Preference Based Resource Allocation In Cloud Data Center International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (UGC Approved) ISSN: 2347-2693, Volume.6, Issue 2, pp.287-292 Feb 2018
22 Bela Shrimali Server Consolidation Using Multi-Objective Optimization in Cloud Computing International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (UGC Approved) ISSN:2320-2882 March 2018
23 Bela Shrimali Power Aware Task Scheduling in Compute Cloud International Journal of Computer Applications (UGC Approved) ISSN:0975-8887, Vol. 180 – No. 24, pp. 22-28 March 2018.
24 Bela Shrimali Priority based task scheduling in cloud environment to achieve energy awareness International Journal for science and advance research in technology ISSN[ONLINE] : 2395-1052, Volume 4,Issue 4 April 2018.
25 Bela Shrimali Optimizing Energy Consumption in Dependent and Urgent Task Scenario in Cloud Environment International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Applications (UGC Approved) ISSN:2321-8363, Vol. 6, Issue 4, pp. 183-188 April 2018
26 Bela Shrimali Entropy Based Method to Calculate Weight for Multi-Criterian VM Allocation Policy in Compute Cloud International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Applications (UGC Approved) ISSN: 2321-8363 Volume.6, Issue 4, pp.170-182 April 2018.
27 Ashish Patel Use of Similarity Measure in Recommender System based on Type of Item Preferences Second International Conference on Advanced Informatics for Computing Research/Springer CCIS ISSN:1865-0929 July 2018
28 Ashish Patel Nirbhayam (Safety through Smartphone) International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering ISSN:2394-2320 Jan – 2018
29 Ashish Patel Serendipity in Recommender Systems International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) ISSN:2319-8613 Feb-Mar 2018
30 Ashish Patel Comparison of Different Kernels of Support Vector Machine for Predicting Stock Prices International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) ISSN:2319-8613 Dec-17 – Jan-8
31 Hitesh Patel MCFS Enhanced Route Selection Approach Using Multipath Carry Forwarding and Searching in VANET International Journal of Vehicular Telematics and Infotainment Systems (IJVTIS) Volume 2, Issue 1, ISSN:2473-5280 January – June 2018
32 Sanjay G. Patel Existing and Relevant Methodologies for Energy Efficient Cloud Data centers International Journal for Technological Research in Engineering ISSN: 2347- 4718 June – 2018
33 Sanjay G. Patel A Taxonomy Survey on Energy-aware Virtualized Data Centers Algorithms and Techniques International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) ISSN:0975-4024 Feb-March 2018
34 Sanjay G. Patel A Survey on Issues and Challenges in Fog Computing International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Applications (IJCSMA) ISSN:2321-8363 July – 2018
35 Sanjay G. Patel Current Methodologies for Energy Efficient Cloud Data Centers Third International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2017)   December – 2017
36 Shivangi Surati Gridded Temperature generation using INSAT – Land Surface Temperature data and India Meteorological Department temperature data for Indian region The National Conference on Role of Geospatial Technologies to Bridge the Rural and Urban Divide 21-23 Feb., 2018
37 Shivangi Surati BMMI-tree: A Peer-to-Peer m-ary Tree using 1-m Node Splitting for an Efficient Multidimensional Complex Query Search   International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC)  2018
38 Shivangi Surati Improving multidimensional point query search using multi-way peer-to-peer tree network International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Inderscience Publishers 2018
39 Payal Chaudhari Privacy-Preserving Proxy Re-encryption with Fine-Grained Access Control ICISS, Dec. –2017 held at IIT – Mumbai ISSN:1611-3349 16th – 20th December, 2017
40 Payal Chaudhari A Survey of Cancelable Biometric Based Key Generation Scheme using various Cryptography techniques International Journal of ComputerSciences andEngineering ISSN:2347-2693 March – 2018
41 Vaidehi Patel Survey on Data Mining Algorithms, Techniques and its Applications International Journal Of Innovative Research In Technology ISSN:2349-6002 January -2018
42 Vaidehi Patel Clustering News Articles for Topic Detection Iconic Research And Engineering Journals ISSN:2456- 8880 May -2018
43 Jayna Kaneriya Jalpa Khamar Avani Dadhania A survey on data security in cloud computing using hybrid encryption algorithms International Journal for Research in Applied science and engineering Technology, 2321-9653 June 2018
44 Jayna Kaneriya Jalpa Khamar Avani Dadhania An survey of MANET routing features for providing confidentiality and integrity in IOT based routing International Journal for research and development in Technology 2349-3585 June 2018
45 Jayna KaneriyaJalpa Khamar Avani Dadhania Survey on Detection and Prevention Scheme for Flooding Attack In Ad-hoc Networks International Journal of modern Trends in Engineering and Research 2348-9745 June 2018
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